Professional and highly trained
We pursue the highest standards of work delivery and deploy professional competencies to achieve outstanding results for the benefit of our clients.
Don't hesitate to ask
We are a client-centric law firm, as our clients’ business is our business, first and always. We'll be glad to hear from you and assist in any way possible.
Our Team is constituted by a mixture of the finest professionals, who are deeply knowledgeable in matters of law, and are able to translate same to the most efficient and effective problem-solving and excellent work delivery for the benefit of clients.

Phone: +234803 399 0247
E-mail: [email protected]
Rosemary Mba is the Managing Partner of the Firm. She presently leads the Firm’s Corporate & Commercial, Labour and Employment Practice Group. With the benefit of years of direct and deep practice experience/exposure
Rosemary Onos Mba
Managing Partner

Phone: 09034505020
E-mail: [email protected]
Nosakhare Omokhua leads the Firm’s Dispute Resolution (Litigation and Arbitration) Practice Group. He is a thorough-bred, consummate trial lawyer and court room advocate, with a knack for details, and a proven track of dispute resolution portfolio management.
Nosakhare Omokhua

E-mail: [email protected]
Ajiri is an Associate in the Firm’s Corporate & Commercial Practice Group.
She is specially gifted with an eye for the big-picture – propelling her to aggressively and constantly look out for the commercial and business interest of clients, which are typically companies.
Ajirioghene Ubrufih

E-mail: [email protected]
Hillary is an Associate in the Firm’s Corporate & Commercial and Dispute Resolution Practice Groups.
A highly motivated and reliable lawyer, adept at providing comprehensive and effective legal support to the Firm’s clientele, with particular interest in contract negotiations & documentations, regulatory compliance, and commercial litigation.